
I'm glad you have taken interest in my webpage and I hope you had an interesting read. You might have questions for me, or how this page works. I'll try to answer as much as possible. But don't hesitate to connect with me and ask. You'll find links to my socials in the footer.

About me

I'm a twenty-something web developer from Norway. In my spare time, I like to play video games and take photos. I occasionally stream either video games or just me trying to learn programming languages. And I'm currently exploring posting tutorial videos on some web development subjects I feel confident in.

Growing up in the countryside in Norway you have to choose between two things, being good at sports or being interested in computers (might be a big generalization but it felt like this for me). I've never been good at sports, so I choose to spend my time on my computer. Most of my time back then was spent playing video games, and occasionally taking my computer apart to see how it works. Most of the time I got it back together, and a few times it didn't (Sorry dad!).

As my computer interest grew I started exploring how web pages, applications, and video games work. And as this lead me to software development. After a bachelor's degree and 5 years of experience, I still find myself thinking, "How does this work?"

About this page

So a techie are you? Well, let me explain how this page works. Let the namedropping begin.

This page is an Astro application running on Vercel. I like to describe Astro as a webpage toolbox, where you can bring your own tools like React, Vue, or Svelte (there are a lot more tools, so check out their website). It integrates easily with CMSs' or other 3rd parties and can be deployed (almost) anywhere, all the major hosting platforms are represented.

As for CMS, I am using Sanity. I got introduced to Sanity back in 2018 and it's my go-to CMS because of its extensibility and its generous free plan for developers.

If you have read some of my work experience or projects I have worked on, you will notice I'm a big fan of React.js, and this page is developed with React and Astro. As for the design, I can't brag about how good of a designer I am. I'm using Tailwind. It really makes styling a breeze to have all the styling power just by writing HTML classes.